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Xpand Portal roadmap 2023 and recap for 2022

Apr 20, 2023

The contemporary world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and standing still only leads to falling behind. At Xpand Ukraine, we recognize this reality and are committed to consistently advancing and achieving our goals to benefit our customers, partners, and employees. Today, we would like to share information about our product, specifically, what we accomplished in 2022, and our plans for 2023.

Let's start with the results of 2022. Last year, we made three releases, which included nine improvements and features, such as:

  • List views;
  • Member time zones;
  • Field validation;
  • Import from Excel or CSV;
  • "Act as another member" improvement;
  • Custom quick search;
  • Xpand Portal validation improvement;
  • Drop-down list paging;
  • Update member's notification/unsubscribe from notifications.
  • Each update, feature, or improvement has been carefully considered and designed to meet the issues our users faced. Some of our most interesting innovations are worth highlighting:
  • List views:
  • A more user-friendly alternative to case grids that eliminates the need for excessive scrolling, especially on mobile devices.

  • Import from Excel or CSV:
  • Quickly deploy Portal data as a standalone solution with just a few clicks.

  • Custom quick search:
  • Enhanced flexibility in building pages using a detached Quick Search control that works with multiple grids simultaneously. Besides, you can find the full list of implementations in the releases,, and

    While our most recent updates were related enhancement of previous product versions. Further details can be found in our latest release, version

    In 2023, we are planning new features and improvements for Xpand Portal users to help them grow their businesses, improve efficiency, and focus on what matters. All our new features are designed to refine the user experience.

    Promoted filters are a powerful search tool that enables users to quickly access valuable information and apply multiple filtering criteria simultaneously throughout the entire Portal.

    Managing members on the front end enables users to create, edit, and delete members directly in the Portal interface, facilitating faster modification of access levels without requiring technical knowledge or significant back-end actions.

    Tags – why not optimize your search even further? That's what we thought, and we want to offer an even better search option – searching for pages or posts by tags.

    The main idea behind the WYSIWYG front-end editor feature is to make configuration and editing as accessible as possible for users. With the product's latest developments, we plan to develop this feature so that front-end users can customize the interface with minimal technical involvement.

    More features and improvements can be found on the 2023 roadmap above or by asking our experts.

    About Xpand Portal
    Xpand Portal is a web-based solution with over 6 years of market presence that provides a comprehensive and customizable product for businesses looking to streamline access to their various data sources, such as ERP and CRM systems, and improve companies’ overall productivity. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, with quick and intuitive configuration to meet your specific needs.

    To learn how Xpand Portal can help you meet your business needs, request a demo